
Below are some testimonials from previous clients. Names were removed to protect anonymity.

"I was very skeptical about starting my first counselling session I never knew what to expect. Within minutes you made me feel comfortable and by the end of the session I felt like a weight had been lifted from me. I don't know why I waited so long to call!" (Katia, UK)

"I told you things about my life that no-one else has heard , and you listened and helped me make sense of it all. Everyone needs an Aviva!" (Annette, South Africa)

"You never once judged me or told me what to do like my friends and family do all the time. You supported me to make my own decisions and encouraged me to make the changes i needed to. You taught me how to listen to my intuition and have confidence to voice my needs." (Sarah, USA)

"My first ever experience of talking to a counsellor was when I was put in touch with Aviva. I found her to be caring and insightful, and she made what I thought would be a difficult experience entirely stress free. I looked forward to our sessions, and she helped me gain more self - confidence than I had ever had before talking with her. She created a safe environment where I could share what was troubling me in confidence, and I would have no hesitation in recommending her as a counsellor."  (Katie, UK)

"Aviva was warm and easy to speak to. I never knew how much I would get out of my sessions with her as I only came for one issue.  I was surprised and delighted that I was able to work on other issues as well which have made such a positive impact on my life, other people have noticed the changes in me.  My only regret is that I can't continue forever with her!" (Sally, USA)

"As an operations manager I am responsible for many people and duties. Aviva helped me to establish much needed boundaries which are still even helping me now months after our work together finished. Aviva was kind, and yet able to gently challenge my thoughts which were not based in the truth. I got so much out of our work together, give it a try you won't regret it for a second!" (Kevin, UK)

"A lot of Aviva's responses to things that I had shared I hope will stay with me for the rest of  my life. Often when I think things over, I will hear her voice and her questions, it reinforces to me that I have learnt a new way to think about situations." (Anonymous, UK)

"Aviva is an incredible therapist. This was my first experience of therapy, my sessions were held over the phone and I found this perfect as I could concentrate on what I wanted to release and be heard, rather than being distracted." (Joe, UK)

"I loved my sessions with Aviva. It was really easy to build up a quick rapport with her. I loved her approach to calmly getting me to think of things with perspective and compassion to myself and others. She's wonderful." (Samantha, USA)

"Aviva helped me with phone sessions, her methods and suggestions were extremely helpful. The ability to create a comfortable , easy atmosphere, over the phone is commendable, impressive and noteworthy. No stigma, just good positive therapy. First class!" (Nikky, UK)

"I never really knew what to expect from therapy , but when I came in and sat down in your consulting room you helped me instantly to feel safe. It only took a few sessions before I saw massive improvement in my situation and i am so glad that I came to you." (Anonymous, UK)


"Aviva is a natural. By that I mean that she is able to ‘tune in’ to her clients and their worlds very quickly. She is passionate, compassionate and very easy to talk to. In spite of her years of experience she has what I call ‘the humility factor’. She is a therapist who learns and gains from being with her clients and the students she works with. If Aviva could give 200%, she would!" (Diana Mitchell, Clinical Supervisor, UK)